Anomaly detection Engine for Linux Logs (ADE)
Utilities to support different anomaly scorers and new anomaly scorers - utilities
utilities is a bash script which invokes the correct Java class after setting up the environment needed. utilities provides a request to
- check if a flowlayout.xml has the correct format.
- print out a textual description of a specific model. The textual description contains a summary of statistical information captured during train.
- to tailor the existing scorers to more closely match the type of system you are analyzing
- to apply new statistical techniques to detect differ types of anomalies
- to change the Java class(s) that are used to write ADE results to a database, a file in the file system, ....
Use utilities when defining a different collection of scores, different parameters for the scorers, or a different order to apply the scorers. utilities provides the following requests
- return to standard out the version of the ADE code
- return to standard out the version of the database schema that is expected by the ADE code
- check the syntax of a flowlayout.xml file
- writes to a file a textual description of the statistical information used to create a model
- The flowlayout.xml controls how upload, analyze, and train process Linux logs. The following behavior of ADE is controled by flowlayout.xml:
For simplicity within ADE the contents of flowlayout.xml is called the meta model.
- The time duration which is used (interval)
- The statistical methods that are used to determine if a message is anomalous and any parameters which the statistical method needs
- The order that statistical methods are applied and how the results of different statistical methods are combined
- The statistical methods that are used to determine if the collection of messages within an interval are unusual
- The Java class(s) which are used to write out the results of ADE to either a database, to a file in the file system, ....
- ADE does not need to be connected to a JDBC complaint database for the following requests to be processed:
- return the version of ADE code
- return the version of the database schema
- check the synatx of a flowlayout.xml file
Option | Parameter | Request type |
-b | none | Print version of database schema used by ADE code |
-d | name of model file (.bin) | Print textual summary of model contained in .bin ilfe | -f | name of flowlayout.xml | Verify syntax of flowlayout.xml and print out results |
-h | none | Print out help information |
-o | name of output file | Name of file to contain textual description of model |
-v | none | Print version of the ADE code |
- The version of the ADE code being used to print out the textual information about the model must match the version of the ADE code used to create the model.