Anomaly detection Engine for Linux Logs (ADE)

Where in the ADE output to look for answers to critical questions

Use the index.xml files for the Linux systems analyzed to answer the following questions:

Use interval_nnn.xml  for the system and time period of interest to answer the following questions:

Contents of index.xml displayed using default xslt

How the values contained in index.xml are calculated and the terminology used  is described in   How ADE detects unusual behavior of Linux systems

Here is an example of the results produced when using the default xslt file to display the xml files generated by ADE in a web browser.  This example was built with a short training period than recommended and therefore contains significantly more New and Never Before Seen message ids resulting in higher anomaly scores than normal.

Screen shot of index.xml

Here is the information displayed when using the default xslt file to process the index.xml files generated by ADE in a web browser:

header information namedescription
Dates: Time period contained within the index.xml file
Number of intervals:Number of intervals contained within the index.xml file; default flowlayout.xml will generate 144 intervals
Interval SizeSize of the analysis snapshot; how frequently the analysis is hardened to the index.xml file
System ID Name of system
Anomaly scores Each rectangle in a bar graph represents an analysis snapshot, which is a
point-in-time record of the anomaly score for an analysis interval. The rectangle color
indicates the anomaly score, and its height is an approximate illustration of the
number of unique messages issued during the analysis interval. Taller rectangles
represent analysis intervals in which a larger number of unique messages were
  • To view more detailed analysis results, click the rectangle to open the Interval page.
Score keyValues of the anomaly score used to color each rectangle in the bar graph.

information for each intervaldescription
Interval Time Time slice  (interval)
Anomaly Score Anomaly score is the estimate of how unusual this interval is compared to other intervals observed during  training
Number of Unique Messages Number of unique messages within this interval
Num of New MsgsNumber of messages within this interval that were not included in the model created during training.
Num of Never Seen Before Msgs Number of messages within this interval that have not been observed by analyze
MissingTrue / False is data missing for this interval
Reason for MissingADE best guess as to why information is missing for the interval
Interval, V2hyper link to details about the interval which explains the anomaly score and shows the new message and messages which have never seen before

Contents of interval_nnn.xml displayed using default xslt

ADE generates an xml file for each interval in the index.xml file.  The current defaults will create 144 files with nnn ranging from 0 to 144.  The interval_6.xml covers the time period from  00:00 to 01:00.  The relationship between analysis interval and analysis snapshot is described in    How ADE detects unusual behavior of Linux systems

Here is an example of the results produced when using the default xslt file to display the xml files generated by ADE in a web browser.  This example was built with a short training period than recommended and therefore contains significantly more New and Never Before Seen message ids resulting in higher anomaly scores than normal.

Screen shot of index.xml

Here is the information displayed when using the default xslt file to process the interval_nnn.xml files generated by ADE in a web browser:

header information namedescription
Dates: Time period contained within the index.xml file
Number of intervals in a dayNumber of intervals contained within a period(day); default flowlayout.xml will generate 24 intervals
Intervals size in secondsSize of the analysis interval; how many seconds of analysis is included in each interval_nnn.xml file
System identifier Name of system
Interval anomaly scoreAnomaly score for the interval.

information for each messagedescription
Message Id Provides the message identifier.
  • For messages listed for a Linux system, the message ID might be a known Linux system message ID, or an ID generated by  ADE for its own use. For a known Linux system message, you can open a browser window and search for an online description, using the Internet search engine of your choice.
Time LineProvides an illustration of when this message was issued within the analysis interval. Each line represents a time period during the analysis interval in which the message was issued at least once. The length of the time period varies by the type of monitored system.
  • For Linux systems, each line represents a 30-second time period.
The browser zoom function affects the time lines: at 100% or lower, some lines are removed from the display.

Indicates whether or not this message is part of a cluster, which is an expected pattern or group of messages associated with a routine system event (for example, starting a subsystem or workload). ADE identifies and recognizes these patterns or groups, and the specific messages that constitute a specific cluster. When analyzing data from a monitored client, the server determines whether a specific message is expected to be issued within a specific cluster. A message that is issued out of context (without the other messages in the same cluster) might indicate a problem.
Values for Clustering Status are:
ADE has not previously detected this message in the model.
This message is not part of a defined cluster.
In context
ADE expects this message to be issued within a specific cluster, and the message was issued as expected in the analysis interval.
Out of context
ADE expects this message to be issued within a specific cluster, but the message was issued in a different context during the analysis interval.
(cluster id)Provides the identifier of the cluster to which this message belongs. When the message is not part of a recognized cluster, the cluster ID is -1.
Num of instanceSpecifies the number of times that this message was issued within the analysis interval.
Bernoulli scoreIndicates how often this message was issued within the collection of analysis intervals used to build the model. Values range from 1 to 101:
  • A value of 1 indicates that the message is issued in almost all analysis intervals in the model.
  • A value of 100 indicates that the message is issued in almost none of the analysis intervals in the model.
  • A value of 101 indicates that this message ID has not been issued in any analysis interval in the model.
FrequencyIndicates the average number of analysis intervals in which the message is expected to be issued each day, according to analysis of the message data that ADE uses for training.
Periodicity statusIndicates whether or not this message has a tendency to recur at specific times, and whether the message recurred as expected within the analysis interval.
Values for Periodicity Status are:
ADE has not previously detected this message.
ADE expects this message to be issued in a periodic pattern, and the message was issued as expected during the analysis interval.
ADE expects this message to be issued in a periodic pattern, but the message was not issued as expected during the analysis interval.
ADE does not expect this message to be issued in a periodic pattern.
Periodicity scoreIndicates how the periodicity status of this message might have contributed to the message anomaly score for the analysis interval. Higher scores generally indicate greater contribution to the message anomaly score.
Last SeenIndicates the UTC date and time when this message was last issued on the monitored system, before the start of the current analysis interval. The time is displayed in 24-hour clock format.
Interval contributionIndicates the relative contribution of this message to the anomaly score for the analysis interval. This interval score is a function of the following analysis results reported in the Messages table: Rarity Score, Clustering Status, Appearance Count, and Periodicity Status. Higher scores indicate greater contribution to the interval anomaly score.
Poisson scoreIndicates how closely the message ID distribution in current data matches the Poisson distribution of that message ID in data during the training period for the system model. This value is provided only for message IDs that are not part of a cluster. The higher the poisson value, the greater the difference from expected behavior.
Anomaly scoreIndicates the difference in expected behavior for this specific message ID within the analysis interval. The message anomaly score is a combination of the interval contribution score for this message and the rule, if any, that is in effect for this message. Higher scores indicate greater anomaly so messages with high anomaly scores are more likely to indicate a problem. The message anomaly score ranges from 0 through 1.0.
User Rules Currently no user rules are provided with the default version of ADE 
MessageProvides the full message text for the first occurrence of this message within the analysis interval.