detection Engine for Linux Logs (ADE)
ADE uses the flowlayout.xml file to control the analytics. The flowlayout .xml file specifies
- How to divide the log into time slices
- What types of analytics (scorers) are use to detect anomalies
- How to save the results
How to divide logs into time slices is specified using the target namespace value FramingFlow .
The duration key defines the length of the interval in milliseconds.
<tns:FramingFlow consecutive="true" duration="600000" name="tenMinutesTrain" databaseId="0">
<tns:FramingFlow consecutive="true" duration="3600000" name="oneHour" databaseId="6">
<tns:FramerProperty Key="Permanent_Split_Factor" Value="6"/>
<!--60 minutes will be split into 6 permanent XML output, which is 10 minutes per output-->
<tns:FramerProperty Key="Temporary_Split_Factor" Value="5"/>
<!--10 minutes will be split into 5 temporary XML output, which is 2 minutes per output-->
What analytics are defined using the target namespace value AnalysisGroupFlow. Within the AnalysisGroupFlow there are six target namespace values
<tns:ScoringSchema id="LINUX01" ScoredEntity="message">
<tns:ScorerProperty Key="numClustersSqrtNumMsgs" Value="true"/>
<tns:ScorerProperty Key="numClustersSqrtNumMsgsFactor" Value="3"/>
<tns:ScorerProperty Key="numRuns" Value="50"/>
<tns:ScorerProperty Key="clusterContextFraction" Value="0.3"/>
<tns:ScorerProperty Key="seed" Value="1"/>
<tns:ScorerProperty Key="maxTrials" Value="100000"/>
<tns:ScorerProperty Key="maxIdleTrials" Value="15000"/>
<tns:ScorerProperty Key="minAppearThresh" Value="3"/>
<tns:ScorerProperty Key="alpha" Value="0.1"/>
<tns:ScorerProperty Key="minAverageInformationRatio" Value="2"/>
<tns:ScorerProperty Key="allowEmptyClusters" Value="false"/>
<tns:ScorerProperty Key="useTimelineForMutualInformation" Value="true"/>
<tns:ScorerProperty Key="trace" Value="false"/>
<tns:Outputer id="LINUXx35">
<tns:OutputerProperty Key="createXSLDirectory" Value="true"/>
<tns:OutputerProperty Key="formatXMLOutput" Value="true"/>